I’ve had a fall – what should I do?

I’ve had a fall

We’ve all fallen over or had a small trip, this happens all the time. It can be something as simple as treading on a loose shoelace or stepping on a child’s toy that you hadn’t noticed.  You may not come to any harm as a result of many of these minor mishaps.

However, occasionally there can be more serious consequences. Maybe you’ve sprained an ankle, broken a bone, hurt your back or become concussed – meaning you may have had to get medical attention and spend time off work. If your slip or fall was caused by another party, then there are certain things you’ll need to do.

Report it

Immediately after your fall, you must report the incident to either the manager or owner of the property. You should do this in writing and, at the same time, you must ask for a copy of their report.

Speak with a slip and fall attorney

Although you may think that slipping and falling is your own fault, you could bring a claim for any damages you sustain if your fall was caused by a hazard prompted by someone else’s negligence. This could include a crack in the sidewalk, poor lighting for a staircase, a wet floor after mopping or a concealed hole, for example.

Your lawyer will need to show the value of any losses linked to your injury once it’s been shown the defendant is accountable for damages. Lost income, reduced earning capacity, medical bills, and emotional distress maybe some of these items. Working with teams such as Brown and Crouppen will help you with your personal injury lawsuit.

Take photos and speak to witnesses

Try to take photos of the conditions that led to your injury, as these will be useful later if you go ahead with filing a lawsuit. Nearly all smartphones now have cameras that can take high-quality photos, so use this to your advantage by taking pictures of the accident scene for later.

If you think someone saw you get injured or were near you when you fell, then get the names and telephone numbers of these people. It may be that they could testify what they saw at a later point, and help prove the owner was responsible for your injury.

Get medical attention and save your medical records

You should aim to get the medical attention that you require as soon as possible. It’s still a good idea for you to go to your doctor’s office or the emergency room to be checked even though you might think you’re fine. This will help to prevent a minor injury from becoming a bigger problem.

As you go through your healing process, you should check that you save each medical record related to your injury. This could include any initial hospital bills to follow-up appointments. These medical records will show the total cost of your injury – and you may be able to receive some (or even all) of the money you spent based on the premises liability laws.

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