Getting older is an inevitable part of life, and there may come a time when you struggle to look after yourself as well as you used to. Senior care is an essential service that can make the lives of the elderly more comfortable and help to give their relatives peace of mind. However, if you’re faced with the decision as to whether you should put your elderly relative into care, it can be a difficult one to make. Below are some suggestions on how you can make this decision and find the right kind of care for your elderly relative.
Open Discussion
In some circumstances, your relative might not be able to communicate their thoughts and feelings ongoing into care, but if they are, you should include them in this discussion. It can be difficult for some people to accept that they need help, or they’re nervous and upset about leaving their home and living in new surroundings. They might also be worried about the financial aspect of care or if they’re going to see their relatives that often once they move. They will need to share their opinion and concerns over the type of care they receive.
What Kind of Care?
There are various types of senior care available, and some services provide very specific care for conditions such as Alzheimer’s and dementia, end of life for those with terminal illnesses, assisted living, nursing homes, and independent and retirement living facilities. If you’re relative can still look after themselves independently but suffer from feelings of loneliness and isolation, moving into a retirement community could be a good option for them, as this will allow them the opportunity to make new friends their age. If your relative doesn’t suffer from a particular condition but struggles to do some basic daily tasks like chores, getting dressed, or cooking meals, assisted living is better. Look into independent assisted living to find out how these two types of care differ.
Visit Facilities
If you’re relative has agreed to go into care, the next step is finding the right facility to move them to. Look at local options first, as keeping the move as easy as possible will be better for them. However, if you live far from your elderly relative and would like them closer to you, this is another thing you should discuss with them and see if they’re willing to move to a facility nearer to your home. Don’t rush this decision and take your time touring various care homes to make sure your relative will be happy there. You should also look at reviews on these different facilities to get a better idea of what to expect.
Although finding the right care is a priority, the reality is it costs money, so you need to think about what your budget is before you start making appointments to view different care
homes. Your relative might be able and willing to make some contribution which could be helpful, but either way, this all needs to be figured out beforehand to avoid disappointment and stress later.
Deciding whether or not to put an elderly relative into care can be very difficult, but in some cases, there is no other option. Use these tips as a guide to help your family make the right choice and keep everyone happy.