Category: Finance

How COVID-19 Has Financially Impacted Physicians, And How Telemedicine Is Offering Them Relief?

The emergency medical services had to take charge of managing the global crisis that emerged with the COVID-19 pandemic situation. This resulted in a massive flux of the profession towards the emergency aspect of it. As a consequence of this, the non-essential medical services were neglected. The clinical and business sides of the medical profession […]

Investing 101: 6 Ways To Make Money With Money

If you’ve been saving money or have recently inherited a lump sum, you might want to consider investing.  Investing is a great way to earn money from money. And while the world of investing, stock markets, and shares all sound quite daunting, there are other ways to invest your money that can still earn you […]

3 Ways to Create Your Very Own Driving Side Hustle

The job market has seen some drastic changes, especially in recent times. There have been mass redundancies, for many people worldwide, especially in the traditional retail sector, and millions more have seen their hours cut to a fraction of what they used to be. As a result, many people have found that they require either […]

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