Tips On Downsizing to a Smaller Property

Smaller Property

Downsizing to a smaller property can be especially stressful. This article offers some advice on how you can make the process smoother and less disruptive.

Plan for Your House Move

Any house move requires a high level of planning, such as booking house movers, notifying companies and contacts of your change of address, and getting utilities and broadband set up. It’s no surprise that moving house is considered one of life’s more stressful experiences. If you’re downsizing to a smaller property, there are other factors to consider. For example, you are likely to be taking fewer items with you, so you’ll need to think about what you can take and what you are willing to sell or give away. You might also want to explore long-term storage options, so you can keep items that have sentimental value but which you cannot fit into your smaller home.

Be Realistic About Storage

On the subject of storage, this is one of the sacrifices you might need to make with a smaller property. If you have had the benefit of a basement, attic, or walk-in closets, on the surface, downsizing may look like a real challenge. However, in a larger home, there is a tendency to accumulate clutter, as you have the space to store extra items. Moving to a smaller property offers you the chance to have a much-needed clear-out. For the items you plan to keep, there are all kinds of innovative storage options suitable for smaller spaces. You might also consider pieces of furniture, such as beds, desks, and tables, that have useful built-in storage. 

Make the Most of the Space You Have

Your new home might have less overall floor space, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you will have less living space. Larger homes lend themselves to larger pieces of furniture, such as bulky sofas and dining room tables that fit comfortably into the room. However, in a smaller property, you can employ clever space saving furniture that does the same thing but takes up less floor space. Think about how you can maximize the layout of your rooms so you can create ample living space that suits your day-to-day needs without feeling too cramped.

List the Benefits of Downsizing

Finally, if downsizing is something you have to do, rather than something you’re doing by choice, take a little time to list all the positives. This can help you to come to terms with leaving your larger home and may even make you excited about your move. Downsizing can be a great move, whether you’re looking for a comfortable retirement or are relocating to an area where your property options are more limited. A smaller home can be cheaper to run and easier to maintain. It also provides an opportunity to streamline your belongings and simplify your life, which, in turn, can promote a positive mental state. 

While moving house is never a pleasurable experience, downsizing comes with its own challenges and sacrifices. However, with some planning, it can offer long-term financial and lifestyle benefits.

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