As you get older, you may decide that it would be best for you to move into a care facility. Maybe you feel that your physical needs are becoming more frequent and you don’t want to rely on a family member; perhaps you’ve noticed that your memory isn’t what it used to be and are considering memory care before things worsen. Selecting the right care facility can be hard—there are so many to choose from. Here is a simple guide to help you find the right care facility.
Consider Your Needs
The most important thing to consider when choosing a care home or assisted living facility is what your needs are currently and what they are likely to be later down the line. There are different types of care facility available to suit different needs.
Right now, you might prefer an independent living facility that allows you to maintain independence and get on with your life, providing care only as and when you need it.
If your care needs are more serious, you may be better off thinking about assisted living options or skilled nursing homes.
You can find a variety of care facilities to suit any level of care requirement by searching the Caring Advisor directory. Think carefully about what you need and how you want to live; this should be your main consideration when selecting a care facility.
Choose a Location
Once you’ve thought about what you need, you can start thinking more about what you want. Moving into any kind of care facility is a big change, and it’s important to think about the location of the facility.
Do you want to stay close to where you live currently? This is a good option if you’re able to remain fairly independent, as you’ll already know the area and may be close to amenities such as stores and hair salons.
You might prefer to move closer to your family to allow for easier visiting. Regular family visits will help you feel more comfortable and more at home when living in a care facility. It’s also a good idea to stay close to family if your health isn’t perfect; your family will more easily be able to come and see you if you’re unwell.
Narrow your choices down to a town or an area that you like the look of, and search from there.
Think About Price
Care homes of all kinds can be expensive, and unfortunately, cost often plays a big part in the decision of which facility to choose.
Think carefully about your budget and try to be realistic about what you and your family can afford to pay. Bear in mind that your care needs will only become more numerous (and therefore more expensive) as you get older, so what you can afford can easily and quickly change.
Check Out the Facilities
When you have a budget and a location in mind, think about the additional facilities on offer at the care homes you’re considering.
How is the food? Are there plenty of social activities to keep you busy and allow you to make friends easily? Picture yourself living there and see how it makes you feel. If you can’t make it feel like home, maybe it’s not the right fit.
Consider all the options when it comes to care facilities to make sure you make the right decision for you.